Tuesday, February 4, 2025

oldest rune stone svingerud discovery

Piecing Together the Mystery of the Oldest Rune Stone Ever Dated

Reconstructing the Oldest Rune Stone

Left: A sandstone piece inscribed with ancient runes (Credit: George Alexis Pantos). Right: A graphic representation of the stone, making the runes more distinct. (Credit: Kristel Zilmer)

Reassembling the fragments of the world's oldest known rune stone reveals a jigsaw-like fit suggesting intentional separation and offering insight into the practical and ritual significance of early Germanic rune stones.

The Origins and Functions of Runes

Before the Latin alphabet became widespread, runes served as the written form for Germanic languages with the earliest runic scripts in use until about AD 700. The exact origins and functions of these runes, however, are still not well understood.

Dr. Kristel Zilmer's Insight on Runic Writing

Dr. Kristel Zilmer, a professor of runology at the University of Oslo and member of the research team behind a recent publication in Antiquity, notes that tracing the development of runic writing and the practice of inscribing runes on stone is a challenging task.

Discovery of Rune Inscribed Fragments at Svingerud Grave Field

The discovery of several sandstone fragments inscribed with runes at the svingerud grave field in Norway is significant, offering valuable insights into the early use of runic writing on stone. These fragments contain intriguing rune sequences and other enigmatic markings. The archaeological context of the finds presents an excellent opportunity to date the rune stones using radiocarbon dating.

Fragmented Stones and Their Puzzle-Like Fit

The stone fragments were discovered in different graves and through detailed archaeological work over three field seasons along with laboratory analysis the research team found that they fit together like ajigsaw puzzle. By reconstructing the pieces, they were able to uncover several runic inscriptions.

Multiple Funic Sequences and Ambiguous Markings

Certain fragments were inscribed with multiple runic sequences while others featured unclear markings. These may have been carved at different times by various individuals.

Evidence of Intentional Fragmentation and Scattering

This evidence suggests the original large stone was purposefully broken and scattered with fragments later used in subsequent burials. It is likely the stone was first intended to mark a single grave, but its fragments came to symbolize later burials.

Ceremonial and Functional Roles of Rune Stones

"Rune stones probably had both ceremonial and functional purposes," Dr. Zilmer notes. "The grave field and the original raised stone suggest a commemorative role while their later incorporation into a separate burial reveals evolving pragmatic and symbolic meanings."

Radiocarbon Dating and Its Surprising Results

Significantly, since Svingerud is a grave field the cremated human remains and charcoal found at the site can be radiocarbon dated, providing a reliable date range for the contexts in which the rune stone fragments were discovered.

Radiocarbon Dating Reveals Date Range

Radiocarbon dating uncovered another surprising finding: The contexts date from 50 BC to AD 275, making these rune stone fragments the oldest examples discovered so far.

New Perspectives on Rune Stone Symbols

This offers a fresh perspective on the rune stone: Could some fo the unidentified symbols serve as a link between decorative script and early writing? Was the intentional fragmentation and distribution of rune stones a way to establish connections between various graves within the field?

Importance of Further Research

This is an exceptional case of runic fragments being found in well-preserved, datable archaeological contexts. It holds significant value for the study of early Scandinavian rune stones and serves as a reminder to archaeologists to carefully stone fragments in grave contexts for possible inscription. Dr. Solheim concludes that further research on this site and its rune stone fragments will continue in the coming years.


"Dive Deeper into the World of Ancient Runes and Archaeological Discoveries"

The discovery of the world's oldest known rune stone fragments at Svingerud provides invaluable insights into early Scandinavian culture. As we continue to piece together the puzzle of these ancient symbols, it's crucial to stay updated on the latest findings. Explore more on the fascinating relationship between archaeology and history with the following links:

  • Human Health Issues Blog - Discover how ancient discoveries impact our understanding of human history and health.
  • FSNews365 - Stay informed on scientific advancements and archaeological breakthroughs across various fields.
  • Earth Day Harsh Reality Blog - Delve into environmental impacts and how archaeology connects to the preservation of our planet's history.

Stay connected for further updates on rune stones, early writing systems and future archaeological research!

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Friday, December 6, 2024

hunter-gatherer gender roles physical abilities

Hunter-Gatherer Gender Roles and Physical Abilities: A Meta-Analytical Perspective

Hunter-Gatherer Gender Roles and Physical Abilities

Overview of the Study and Researchers

Three archaeologists from the University of Cambridge, U.K., analyzed hundreds of studies on hunter-gatherer societies, revealing diverse physical activities among these groups. George Brill, Marta Mirazon-Lahr, and Mark Dyble detailed their findings in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

Historical Context: Emphasis on Male Physical Prowess

Historically, male physical and athletic abilities have been emphasized, with limited attention given to female capabilities. This study explore whether this bias extends to female physical prowess in hunter-gatherer societies.

Methodology and Scope of the Study

Comprehensive Analysis of Hunter-Gatherer Societies

The researchers conducted a comprehensive analysis of hunter-gatherer societies, examining both historical and contemporary groups. Their study reviewed over 900 papers, with a primary focus on the physical and athletic activities of both genders.

Key Findings

Minimal Gender Influence on Physical Activities

The researchers discovered that gender historically played a minimal role in such activities. Women participated running, swimming, tree climbing, and food diving as frequently as men, with rare exceptions of bias against women climbing tall trees.

The Role of Physical Fitness in Survival

The researchers observed that hunter-gatherer societies have consistently prioritized physical fitness, likely due to its essential role in survival. Beyond hunting and food gathering, many of these societies incorporate physical contests or activities into rituals, such as courtship, resulting in a high level of fitness.

Evolutionary Context: The Human Physique and Adaptability

Shaping of the Human Form Through Evolution

The researchers emphasize that the human physique has been shaped over millions of years of evolution. Modern human evolved primarily by adapting to bipedal locomotion and developing survival strategies, such as running to hunt prey,, diving for aquatic food, and walking extensively in search of nuts, berries, and other resources.

The Versatility of Human Locomotion

The researchers highlight the remarkable adaptability of human locomotion, a defining anatomical trait, which has enabled survival across diverse environments such as grasslands, forests, deserts, and polar regions.


"Uncover the groundbreaking findings about gender and physical fitness in hunter-gatherer societies. Explore how evolution shaped human adaptability."

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Friday, November 29, 2024

1-5 million year old footprints human ancestor coexistence

1.5-Million-Year-Old Footprints Reveal Coexistence of Two Human Ancestor Species

Scientists uncover ancient hominin footprints, revealing coexistence of two human ancestor species near Lake Turkana, Kenya.

The Discovery Near Lake Turkana

On a sun-scorched savanna teeming with life over a million years ago, near the shores of present-day Lake Turkana in Kenya, two distinct hominin species may have coexisted, foraging for survival.

The Significance of the Fossilized Footprints

By examining 1.5-million-year-old fossils unearthed from an ancient lakeshore, scientists have identified the first recorded instance of two hominin footprints from the same period. This discovery, researchers assert, will advance our understanding of human evolution and the interplay of cooperation and competition between species.

Defining Hominins

"Hominin" refers to a modern classification that represents a subset of hominids, encompassing all extinct and extant species within the human lineage following the divergence from great ape ancestors approximately 6 to 7 million years ago.

Insights from the Ancient Footprints

This discovery, as detailed in Scienceprovides compelling evidence of the coexistence of diverse hominin species, who shared territories while navigating predators and environmental challenges in ancient Africa.

The Species Involved

According to the researchers, the tracks were created by hominins belonging to Homo erectus and Paranthropus boisei, the two most prevalent human species of the Pleistocene period.

Expert Analysis by Craig Feibel

"The discovery of their footprints on the same surface, formed within a narrow time frame, positions the two species at the lake margin, sharing the same habitat," explained Craig Feibel, study co-author and professor in Rutgers' Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences and Department of Anthropology.

The Process of the Discovery

Drawing on his decades of research in northern Kenya since 1981, a region renowned for its fossil wealth, Feibel utilized his stratigraphy and dating expertise to confirm the fossils' geological age at 1.5 million years. He further analyzed the depositional context of the footprint surface, pinpointing the trackmakers' activity to within a few hours and demonstrating that the tracks were formed directly in the soft sediments where they were discovered.

The Timing of the Footprints

As Feibel explained, the hominins might not have interacted, but their movements along the shore occurred just hours apart.

Footprints as Key Evidence of Ancient Behaviors

Although skeletal remains have traditionally been the cornerstone of human evolution studies, fossil footprints now provide compelling insights into the development of human anatomy, locomotion, and ancient behaviors.

Kevin Hatala's Contribution

Explained Kevin Hatala, lead author of the study and an associate professor of biology at Chatham University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Hatala, who has studied hominin footprints since 2012, remarked that fossil footprints offer vivid glimpses into the lives of our ancient relatives, bringing them to life in extraordinary detail.

"These data allow us to explore how individuals from millions of years ago navigated their environments, interacted with each other, and potentially other animalsinsights unattainable from bones or tools."

Professor Craig Feibel has been studying fossils in Kenya.

Analyzing Anatomical Patterns

Hetala, a specialist in foot anatomy, identified distinct anatomical and locomotion patterns in the s pecies' foot prints. Using advanced 3D analysis methods, he and his co-authors distinguished between the two sets.

A Unique Framework for Foot print Analysis

Rebecca Ferrell, a program director at the National Science Foundation, stated that biological anthropology constantly seeks innovative methods to infer behavior from fossils, and this study exemplifies that effort.

Innovative 3D imaging Technology

Utilizing innovative 3D imaging technology, the researchers devised a unique framework for examining footprints, enhancing our understanding of evolution and the interplay between cooperation and competition.

The Path to Discovery

Describing the discovery as 'a bit of serendipity,' Feibel noted that the fossil footprint were identified in 2021 when a team, organized by Louise Leakeya descendant of the celebrated Leakey lineage—uncovered fossilized bones at the site.

Field Team and Excavation Details

Under Cyprian Nyete's direction, the field team—primarily local Kenyans with specialized training—searches the area after rainstorms. They detected fossils on the surface and proceeded to excavate for their source.

The Initial Discovery

While removing the upper sediment layer, Richard Loki, one of the excavators, observed large bird tracks and later discovered a hominin footprint. Leakey organized a team to excavate the site in July  2022.

Understanding the Coexistence of Homo Erectus and Paranthropus Boisei

Feibel explained that the coexistence of these human species has been theorized for years. The fossil record shows that Homo erectus, a direct human ancestor, lasted for an additional million years, while Paranthropus boisei went extinct within a few hundred thousand years, and the reasons for this remain unclear.

Physical and Behavioral Characteristics

Both species were characterized by upright postures, bipedal movement, and remarkable agility. However, their interactionscultural reproductiveremain largely unknown.

Trace Fossils and Their Significance

Feibel explained that the footprints are notable because they belong to the category of 'trace fossils,' which can include things like footprints, nests, and burrows.

Comparing Trace Fossils to Body Fossils

Unlike body fossils such as bones and teeth that are evidence of past life and may be displaced by water or predators, trace fossils reveal behavioral evidence.

According to Feibel, trace fossils are immobile and cannot be moved.

Conclusion: A Groundbreaking Discovery

Feibel remarked that the discovery proves conclusively that two distinct hominin species were on the same surface, potentially only hours apart. "The idea that they lived at the same time might not be surprising, but this is the first time we've proven it. It's a significant finding," he said.


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Saturday, November 16, 2024

ancient egyptian hallucinogenic rituals bes mugs

Ancient Egyptian Rituals Involved Hallucinogenic Cocktails, New Study Confirms

An ancient Egyptian Bes mug featuring the deity Bes, used in rituals, preserved at Tampa Museum of Art.

Groundbreaking Research by University of South Florida Professor

Research by a University of South Florida professor has uncovered the first physical proof of hallucinogens in an Egyptian mug, corroborating ancient written texts and myths surrounding Egyptian rituals.

The Significance of the Bes Mug in Ancient Egypt

Davide Tanasi conducted advanced chemical analyses on one of the rare surviving Egyptian Bes mugs.

The mugs, such as the one donated to the Tampa Museum of Art in 1984, feature the likeness of Bes, an ancient Egyptian deity or protective spirit revered for his roles in safeguarding, fertility, healing, and magical purification.

New Insights into the Use of Bes Mugs

The studypublished in Scientific Reports, unveils a long-standing mystery of ancient Egypt: how Bes mugs were used nearly 2,000 years ago.

"No previous research has uncovered what we discovered in this study," Tanasi remarked.

Uncovering the Chemical Signatures Inside the Mug

"For the first time, we successfully identified the complete chemical signatures of the substances in the liquid found inside the Bes mug at the Tampa Museum of Art, including plants used by the Egyptians, all of which possess psychotropic and medicinal properties."

The Mystery Behind the Contents of Bes Mugs

The widespread use of Bes mugs across various contexts over extended periods has made it challenging to speculate about their contents or their significance in ancient Egyptian culture.

Theories and Speculation About Bes Mugs

"For many years, Egyptologists have been pondering the purpose of mugs featuring the head of Bes and what beverages they may have contained, such as sacred water, milk, wine, or beer," said Branko van Oppen, curator of Greek and Roman art at the Tampa Museum of Art. "Scholars were uncertain whether these mugs served a daily function, religious role, or were used in magical rituals."

Scientists conducting chemical and DNA analysis on the inner walls of an ancient Egyptian Bes mug.

Myths vs. Reality in Ancient Egyptian Rituals

Numerous theories regarding the mugs and vases were based on myths, yet only a few were ever scrutinized to uncover their precise ingredients, with the truth being revealed gradually, layer by layer.

Groundbreaking Methodology in Analyzing the Mug's Contents

Tanasi, who led this research as part of the Mediterranean Diet Archaeology project at the USF Institute for the Advanced Study of Culture and the Environment, worked alongside USF researchers and collaborators from Italy's University of Trieste and University of Milan. They conducted chemical and DNA analyses, using a pulverized sample from the vase's inner walls, employing a combination of analytical techniques for the first time to reveal the mug's last contents.

A Unique Approach Reveals the Mug's Contents

This innovative approach proved successful, revealing that the vase contained a cocktail of psychedelic drugs, bodily fluids, and alcohola mixture Tanasi believes was used in a magical fertility ritual inspired by an Egyptian myth.

The Ingredients of the Ritual Drink

The  concoction was flavored with honey, sesame seeds, pine nuts, licorice, and grapes, which were commonly used to simulate blood.

Insights into Magical Rituals of Ancient Egypt

"This research sheds light on the magical rituals of the Greco-Roman period in Egypt," Van Oppen stated. "Scholars believe that the Bes Chambers at Saqqara served as destinations for those seeking reassurance of a safe pregnancy, a precarious phase in the ancient era."

Enhancing Our Understanding of Ancient Egyptian Myths and Ritual

"This specific combination of ingredients may have been employed in a magic ritual designed to induce dream-like visions during the perilous period surrounding childbirth."

The Complex Nature of Ancient Egyptian Religion

"Ancient religion is one of the most fascinating and complex topics in historical studies," said Tanasi. "Through this work, we have found scientific confirmations of certain Egyptian myths, enhancing our understanding of the poorly understood rituals practiced in the Bes Chambers at Saqqara near Giza's Great Pyramids."


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