Friday, September 6, 2024

Wearable Graphene Sensor For Strain Detection

Innovative Graphene-Based Wearable Sensor Allows Detection and Broadcast of Silently Mouthed Phrases


Wearable Graphene

The development of a 'smart' wearable choker featuring ultrasensitive textile strain sensors may significantly advance the Silent Speech Interface (SSI) domain, researchers claim.

SSI systems offer a breakthrough solution for scenarios where verbal communication is compromised, such as in noisy environments or for individuals with speech difficulties, facilitating speechless communication via electronic lip-reading and human-computer interaction.

Development and Technology

Advanced Sensor Design

Researchers at the University of Cambridge have developed a textile strain sensor with a graphene overlay, offering enhanced robustness in speech recognition, even in environments with significant background noise.

The smart choker, worn around the neck, detects subtle micro-movements in the throat, which the strain sensor converts into electrical signals. These signals are processed by brain-inspired computing models for speech recognition, enabling the detection of even silently mouthed words, potentially aiding individuals unable to speak after laryngeal surgery.

Innovative Design Features

The innovative design of the smart choker incorporates organized cracks in graphene-coated textiles. This structured graphene layer dramatically improves the strain sensor's sensitivity, allowing it to capture subtle throat micro-movements and extract speech signals rich in detail. The signals are then decoded with a high 95.25% accuracy using an efficient neural network.

Results and Presentation

Study and Findings

The study, featured in npj Flexible Electronics, introduces a promising non-invasive solution for wearable SSI systems, opening the door to seamless, natural, silent communication in a wide range of settings.

This robust SSI system is capable of decoding a vast range of words and seamlessly adapting to new users and vocabularies. It was presented live at the IEEE Biosensors 2024 event, engaging more than 180 participants.

Leadership and Research

Key Figures

Dr. Luigi G. Occhipinti, Director of Research in Smart Electronics, Bio-systems, and AI, and Head of the Occhipinti Group at the Electrical Engineering Division, played a key role in directing the research in partnership with the Cambridge Graphene Center.

According to Dr. Occhipinti, "The smart choker's user-friendly design enables it to perform effectively in real-world situations, handling a range of users from different genders, regions, and ethnic backgrounds, while accurately processing new and ambiguous words of varying lengths and familiarity, as well as different reading speeds."

System Performance and Fabrication

Precision and Efficiency

Our SSI system excels in precision and computational efficiency, accurately distinguishing speech from multiple users despite noise introduced by sensor imperfections, external environmental factors, or movements of the users themselves while using the device.

Fabrication and Durability

Additionally, our ultrasensitive textile strain sensor technology features a fabrication method that is bio-compatible, cost-effective, and scalable. It is designed for extended use, withstanding over 10,000 stretch-release cycles while ensuring stable and reliable electrical performance.


"In essence, the integration of our sensor design with advanced neural network optimization establishes a new benchmark in wearable silent speech communication technologies, providing a comfortable smart choker with pioneering capabilities."


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