cosmic filaments and baryon density contrast
New Insights into the Intergalactic Medium and Cosmic Filaments Unveiled
The Intergalactic Medium: A Vast and Mysterious Expanse
The majority of the universe's mass is not contained within stars or galaxies but resides in the vast expanse between them, known as the intergalactic medium. This medium is warm to hot, often referred to as the "warm-hot intergalactic medium" (WHIM), and accounts for nearly half of the universe's baryonic matter (excluding dark matter), though its hydrogen ion density is remarkably low—fewer than 100 ions per cubic meter.
Cosmic Filaments: The Building Blocks of the Cosmic Web
At temperatures ranging from 100,000 to 10 million Kelvin, the intergalactic medium forms a network of "cosmic filaments," massive regions of hot, diffuse gas connecting galaxies. These structures, also known as "galactic filaments," are the largest known in the universe, typically stretching 150 to 250 megaparsecs (500 to 800 million light-years), a span approximately 8,000 times the width of the Milky Way.
Together, these structures create the cosmic web, defining the boundaries of vast cosmic voids—immense regions of space nearly devoid of galaxies.
The WHIM's Role in Astrophysical Research
"The warm-hot intergalactic medium within cosmic filaments remains one of the least characterized components modern astrophysics," notes a team of European scientists, primarily based in Germany.
New Research on Cosmic Filaments
By leveraging an instrument aboard a satellite that began its survey of the univerrse in late 2019, the researchers analyzed X-ray emissions from nearly 8,000 cosmic filaments. They applied a model to estimate the temperature and baryon density contrast of the WHIM, publishing their findings in Astronomy & Astrophysics.
Understanding the Vast Voids Between Filaments
Cosmic filaments stretch across nearly the entire universe, with vast voids in between where atom densities are approximately one per cubic meter. For perspective, interstellar space within our galaxy has densities of one million to one trillion atoms per cubic meter, while Earth's most advanced vacuums contain about 10¹⁶ atoms per cubic meter.
The Local Void and Its Significance
The "Local Void" is the nearest cosmic void to Earth. Cosmic filaments, which link galaxies into a sprawling web, are primarily filled with gas, dust, stars, and a significant amount of dark matter. Although incredibly hot and in a plasma state, their temperature and density are much lower than the Sun's. They are composed of ionized hydrogen atoms and can be observed by the way they absorb light emitted by quasars.
Data Collection and Analysis Methodology
Researchers utilized data from eROSITA, an X-ray telescope onboard the Russion-German Spectrum Roentgen Gamma observatory. Although designed to survey the entire sky over seven years following its launch in July 2019, eROSITA ceased functioning in February 2022 due to the breakdown of institutional relations after Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
The researchers collected "stacked" scans—repeated imaging of the same area to enhance weak signal intensities—between December 12 and 19, 2021, at X-ray energies of approximately 1 kilo-electronvolt (wavelengths near 1 nm), with four stacks in total. They utilized a 2011 filament catalog derived from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, which lists over 63,000 optical filaments.
The Filament Lengths and Cosmological Analysis
Using standard cosmological parameters from the canonical ΛCDM model—such as the Hubble constant, matter density, baryon density, and dark matter energy density—the researchers determined the physical lengths of the filaments.
Detailed Data Analysis for Temperature and Density
An extensive data analysis process ensued. Initially, the team calculated the surface brightness profile of all filaments at specific distances along their length, meticulously addressing factors such as projection effects, filament overlap, and local background subtraction.
The team then estimated the contribution of unmasked galactic sources—such as X-ray point sources, galaxy clusters, and groups—to each signal. Ultimately, they employed detailed astrophysical models, corrected for instrument biases, and applied statistical methods to derive the most accurate temperature and density profiles of the gas in the WHIM.
Key Findings and Implications
The team determined a best-fit temperature of 10⁶·⁸⁴ Kelvin, approximately 7 million K. They calculated a baryon density contrast of 10¹·⁸⁸, equivalent to 76, indicating that the WHIM's baryonic matter density is 76 times greater than the average background density in space.
The average density contrast aligns with predictions from numerical simulations, but the calculated temperature approached the upper limit for the X-ray-emitting WHIM. This result was anticipated, the authors note, as the simplified temperature estimation tends to reflect the higher end of a multi-temperature spectrum.
Future Research and Advancements in Understanding the WHIM
Advancements in the understanding of X-ray-emitting cosmic filaments and the WHIM are anticipated in the next decade. driven by enhanced filament detection tools and refined knowledge of X-ray properties in galaxy groups, active galactic nuclei, and fast radio bursts, enabling more precise subtration form the WHIM signal.
Upcoming X-ray Missions and Their Potential Impact
Future X-ray missions, including the Hot Universe Baryon Surveyor and Line Emission Mapper, are expected to expand the exploration of WHIM properties, shedding light on the enigmatic intergalactic medium.
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Labels: Astronomy Research, Astrophysics, Cosmic Filaments, Cosmic Web, Dark Matter, Galaxy Formation, Intergalactic Medium, WHIM, X-Ray Astronomy
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