Saturday, December 28, 2024

DA362 multiwavelength study insights

Exploring DA 362: Study Unveils More About Compact Symmetric Objects

Introduction to DA 362 and Compact Symmetric Objects (CSOs)

Diagram illustrating DA 362, a compact symmetric object emitting gamma rays, with observed jet activity and parsec-scale radio emissions.

Indian researchers conducted a comprehensive multiwavelength investigation of DA 362, a gamma-ray-emitting compact symmetric object. Findings, detailed in a December 17 arXiv preprint, offer valuable insights into this mysterious phenomenon.

What Are Compact Symmetric Objects (CSOs)?

Compact symmetric objects (CSOs) are young jetted active galactic nuclei (AGN) with projected sizes under 3,300 light-years. While their characteristics remain insufficiently explored, observations reveal symmetric radio morphologies, suggesting these objects are in their early evolutionary stages, with kinematic ages of only a few thousand years. Notably, gamma-ray emissions have been detected from just four CSOs so far.

Introduction to DA 362: A Newly Identified Gamma-Ray Emitting CSO

The most recently identified gamma-ray-emitting compact symmetric object (CSO) is DA 362, also referred to as B2 1413+34. Initially, it was categorized as a blazar condidate of uncertain classification, linked to the gamma-ray source 4FGLJ1416.0+3443.

Multiwavelength Study of DA 362

Astronomers, led by Subhashree Swain from the Inter-University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics in Pune, India, recently conducted a long-term multiwavelength analysis of DA 362 using data from NASA's Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) and Swift satellite. This investigation provided new insights into the nature of this compact symmetric object (CSO).

Key Findings from the Multiwavelength Analysis

"In our investigation, we analyzed the multiwavelength properties of DA 362, a CSO newly recognized as a gamma-ray source by Fermi-LAT, marking it as only the fourth gamma-ray-detected AGN of this type," the authors stated.

Verification of the Gamma-Ray Source Link

The analysis of LAT data verified the link between the gamma-ray source 4FGLJ1416.0+3443 and DA 362. The refined gamma-ray position aligned with the radio source with the 95% confidence interval for gamma-ray uncertainty.

Gamma-Ray Light Curve and Activity

Analysis of the gamma-ray light curve of DA 362 indicates that the source remained predominantly inactive during the first 12 years of LAT observations (2008-2020). However, episodes of flaring activity suggest that the gamma-ray emission likely originates from its core or jet, rather than the radio lobes.

Radio Emissions and Jet Characteristics

In addition, the research identified small, parsec-scale bipolar radio emissions from DA 362 and determined its jet separation velocity to be subluminal. These results establish DA 362 as a bonafide compact symmetric object.

Spectral Properties and Comparison with Other Gamma-Ray Emitting CSOs

By analyzing the gamma-ray spectral properties relative to the three other identified gamma-ray-emitting CSOs, astronomers concluded that DA 362 stands out as the brightest and exhibits a steeper spectrum.

Optical Spectrum and Dust Obscuration

Nevertheless, it was found that DA 362 is exceptionally faint in the optical spectrum, implying potential dust obscuration.

Future Observations and Researcher Directions

The paper's authors suggest that more in-depth observations using advanced facilities are necessary to investigate the broadband physical properties of this CSO and gain further insight into the source of its gamma-ray emission.


"Explore the fascinating study of DA 362, a rare gamma-ray-emitting compact symmetric object, and discover how Indian astronomers are unraveling its cosmic secrets. Want to dive deeper into scientific breakthroughs and their impact on our understanding of the universe? Visit these resources below for more insights into health, science, and sustainability."

  1. Space and Science Updates: Discover more groundbreaking research and multiwavelength studies at FSNews365.
  2. Broader Im plications on Human Health: Learn how cosmic discoveries could influence technologies that benefit humanity at Human Health Issues.
  3. Earth and Sustainability Concerns: Explore how space exploration ties into environmental sustainability at Earth Day Harsh Reality.

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