Tuesday, March 11, 2025

mysterious galactic core dark matter discovery

Mysterious Galactic Core Energy May Reveal a New Type of Dark Matter


An artistic depiction of dark matter particles colliding and producing charged particles in the Milky Way’s central region.

The enigmatic event at the center of our galaxy could potentially be caused by an alternative type of dark matter.

Dark matter, an elusive and unobservable substance potentially constituting 85% of the universe's mass, remains one of the most profound scientific pursuits.

New Findings on Dark Matter in the Milky Way

Pioneering research brings scientists a step closer to deciphering the enigma of dark matter, suggesting a novel candidate may drive unexplained chemical reactions in the Milky Way.

A Mystery in the Galactic Core: Positively Charged Hydrogen

Dr. Shyam Balaji, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at King's College London and a lead author of the study, states: "At the heart of our galaxy lie vast clouds of positively charged hydrogenan enduring mystery for decades, as hydrogen gas is typically neutral. What mechanism provides the energy necessary to dislodge electrons and create this ionization?"

The energy emission detected in this region of our galaxy indicate a persistent and dynamic energy source.

Could Dark Matter Be Lighter Than Previously Theorized?

Our data suggests that this phenomenon could be driven by a much lighter form of dark matter than currently theorized.

Challenges to the WIMP Model

The leading hypothesis for dark matter suggests it comprises Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs), a class of particles that barely interact with ordinary matter, rendering them incredibly elusive.

Today's publication in Physical Review Letters suggests a paradigm shift, bringing renewed focus to a low-mass dark matter candidate that challenges the WIMP-dominated narrative.

A New Explanation: Low-Mass Dark Matter Collisions

According to the study, these lightweight dark matter particles may collide and annihilate, leading to the formation of charged particles capable of ionizing hydrogen gas.

Could Cosmic Rays or WIMPs Explain This Phenomenon?

Earlier explanations for this ionization process centered on cosmic rays—high-energy particles traversing the universe. However, observational data from the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ) suggest that the detected energy signatures are insufficient to be attributed to cosmic rays. Similarly, Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) do not appear capable of driving this phenomenon.

A Slower, Low-Mass Energy Source

The researchers concluded that the energy source driving the annihilation process must be:

  • Slower than cosmic rays
  • Possess a lower mass than WIMPs

A New Approach to Studying Dark Matter

Dr. Balaji stated, "The quest to uncover dark matter is one of the greatest pursuits in modern science, yet most experiments are conducted on Earth. By analyzing gas within the CMZ through a novel observational approach, we can directly investigate its origins. The data suggests that dark matter may be significantly lighter than previously assumed."

Implications for Galactic Phenomena

Unraveling the mystery of dark matter is a cornerstone of fundamental physics, yet most experiments remain Earth-bound, passively awaiting its detection. By examining the hydrogen gas at the heart of our Milky Way, the CMZ offers promising insights that may bring us closer to uncovering dark matter's true nature.

The 511-keV Emission Line and Dark Matter

This discovery could provide a unified explanation for broader galactic phenomena, including:

  • The enigmatic 511-keV emission line observed at the Milky Way's core
  • A distinctive X-ray signature that may also originate from low-mass dark matter interactions producing charged particles.


Want to stay updated on groundbreaking discoveries in science and technology? Explore more insights into the universe's mysteries and the latest in scientific breakthroughs on dark matter by visiting our related content:

  • Human Health Issues: Stay informed about the latest developments in health science and how the impact humanity.
  • FSNews365: Dive into the latest in technology, sustainability, research and global innovations that shape our world.
  • Earth Day Harsh Reality: Learn about the pressing environmental challenges we face and the solutions we can adopt for a healthier planet.

Stay engaged with cutting-edge research that can reshape our understanding of dark matter and the universe!

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Friday, February 21, 2025

small magellanic cloud star formation

Small Magellanic Cloud Observations Reveal Clues to Early Universe Star Formation

Introduction: The Birth of Stars in Stellar Nurseries

A far-infrared view of the Small Magellanic Cloud, as seen by ESA’s Herschel Space Observatory, showcases ALMA telescope observation sites, marked by circles. The enlarged images represent radio-wave emissions from carbon monoxide in molecular clouds. Yellow-bordered images highlight filamentary formations, while blue-bordered images depict more dispersed, fluffy structures. Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), Tokuda et al., ESA/Herschel.

Stars are born in stellar nurseries, vast regions of gas and dust where the particles condense to create new stars. These molecular clouds can span hundreds of light-years, giving birth to thousands of stars. Although technological advancements and observation tools have provided significant insight into the stellar lifecycle, certain aspects, such as the formation of stars in the early universe, remain uncertain.

New Insights from the Small Magellanic Cloud

In a recent Astrophysical Journal publication, scientists from Kyushu University, working alongside Osaka Metropolitan University, uncovered evidence that stars in the early universe may have originated in diffuse, "Fluffy" molecular clouds. This conclusion, drawn from Small Magellanic Cloud observations, provides a novel perspective on stellar formation over cosmic time.

Understanding Molecular Clouds and Star Formation

Filamentary Structure of Molecular Clouds

In the Milky Way, molecular clouds responsible for star formation exhibit an elongated, filamentary structure approximately 0.3 ligh-years in width. Astronomers posit that our solar system originated similarly, with a vast filamentary molecular cloud fragmenting into a molecular cloud core. Over hundreds of thousands of years, gravitational forces accumulated gas and matter within these cores, ultimately giving rise to a star.

Challenges in Understanding Early Star Formation

"Our knowledge of star formation continues to evolve, yet deciphering how stars emerged in the early universe presents an even greater challenge," says Kazuki Tokuda, a Postdoctoral Fellow at Kyushu University's Faculty of Science and the study's lead author.

The Role of Heavy Elements in Early Universe Star Formation

In the early universe, hydrogen and helium dominated, while heavier elements emerged later in massive stars. Although direct observation of early star formation is impossible, we can study regions with conditions resembling those of the early cosmos.

Observations of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC)

Carbon monoxide molecules emit radio waves, depicted in varying colors. The intensity of the color corresponds to the strength of the emission. Central crosses represent the locations of massive young stars. On the left, a molecular cloud with a filamentous structure is displayed, while the right side presents a cloud with a more diffuse, fluffy configuration. Scale bar: one light-year. Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), Tokuda et al.

Why the SMC is a Key Research Target

The research team focused on the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), a dwarf galaxy approximately 20,000 light-years from Earth. With only one-fifth of the heavy elements found in the Milky Way, the SMC closely mirrors the conditions of the early universe from 10 billion years ago. However, limited spatial resolution has made it challenging to determine whether its molecular clouds exhibit filamentary structures.

Using ALMA Telescope to Study the Small Magellanic Cloud

The ALMA radio telescope in Chile provided the necessary resolution to examine the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) in greater detail, enabling scientists to assess the existence of filamaentary molecular clouds.

Key Findings from Molecular Cloud Data Analysis

"Our analysis encompassed data from 17 molecular clouds, all of which contained nascent stars with masses approximately 20 times that of our Sun," Tokuda explains. "Around 60% of these clouds exhibited a filamentary structure with an average width of 0.3 light-years, while the remaining 40% displayed a more diffuse, "Fluffy" morphology. Additionally, the filamentary clouds had higher internal temperatures compared to their fluffy counterparts.

Understanding the Transition from Filamentary to Fluffy Clouds

Temperature Differences and Evolution

The temperature disparity between filamentary and fluffy clouds is likely attributable to their formation timeline. Initially, all molecular clouds exhibited a filamentary structure with elevated temperatures due to inter-cloud collisions. At higher temperatures, turbulence within the cloud remains minimal. However, as the cloud cools, the kinetic energy of infalling gas induces greater turbulence, disrupting the filamentary configuration and leading to a more diffuse, "Fluffy" morphology.

Impact on Star Formation and Planetary System Development

A molecular cloud that preserves its filamentary structure is more likely to fragment along its elongated axis, leading to the formation of multiple low-mass stars, such as our skin, accompanied by planetary systems. Conversely, it the filamentary configuration dissipates, the conditions necessary for the emergence of such stars may become less favorable.

Environmental Factors and Star Formation

"This research underscores the importance of environmental factors-especially the presence of heavy elements-in maintaining filamentary structures, which may be instrumental in planetary system formation," Tokuda states.


Are you ready to explore the secrets of our cosmos? Discover how the Small Magellanic Cloud sheds light on early universe star formation! For further perspectives, check out Human Health Issues for cutting-edge health insights, FSNews365 for the latest science and tech breakthroughs, and Earth Day Harsh Reality for environmental updates. Subscribe now and join our cosmic journey!

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Saturday, December 28, 2024

DA362 multiwavelength study insights

Exploring DA 362: Study Unveils More About Compact Symmetric Objects

Introduction to DA 362 and Compact Symmetric Objects (CSOs)

Diagram illustrating DA 362, a compact symmetric object emitting gamma rays, with observed jet activity and parsec-scale radio emissions.

Indian researchers conducted a comprehensive multiwavelength investigation of DA 362, a gamma-ray-emitting compact symmetric object. Findings, detailed in a December 17 arXiv preprint, offer valuable insights into this mysterious phenomenon.

What Are Compact Symmetric Objects (CSOs)?

Compact symmetric objects (CSOs) are young jetted active galactic nuclei (AGN) with projected sizes under 3,300 light-years. While their characteristics remain insufficiently explored, observations reveal symmetric radio morphologies, suggesting these objects are in their early evolutionary stages, with kinematic ages of only a few thousand years. Notably, gamma-ray emissions have been detected from just four CSOs so far.

Introduction to DA 362: A Newly Identified Gamma-Ray Emitting CSO

The most recently identified gamma-ray-emitting compact symmetric object (CSO) is DA 362, also referred to as B2 1413+34. Initially, it was categorized as a blazar condidate of uncertain classification, linked to the gamma-ray source 4FGLJ1416.0+3443.

Multiwavelength Study of DA 362

Astronomers, led by Subhashree Swain from the Inter-University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics in Pune, India, recently conducted a long-term multiwavelength analysis of DA 362 using data from NASA's Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) and Swift satellite. This investigation provided new insights into the nature of this compact symmetric object (CSO).

Key Findings from the Multiwavelength Analysis

"In our investigation, we analyzed the multiwavelength properties of DA 362, a CSO newly recognized as a gamma-ray source by Fermi-LAT, marking it as only the fourth gamma-ray-detected AGN of this type," the authors stated.

Verification of the Gamma-Ray Source Link

The analysis of LAT data verified the link between the gamma-ray source 4FGLJ1416.0+3443 and DA 362. The refined gamma-ray position aligned with the radio source with the 95% confidence interval for gamma-ray uncertainty.

Gamma-Ray Light Curve and Activity

Analysis of the gamma-ray light curve of DA 362 indicates that the source remained predominantly inactive during the first 12 years of LAT observations (2008-2020). However, episodes of flaring activity suggest that the gamma-ray emission likely originates from its core or jet, rather than the radio lobes.

Radio Emissions and Jet Characteristics

In addition, the research identified small, parsec-scale bipolar radio emissions from DA 362 and determined its jet separation velocity to be subluminal. These results establish DA 362 as a bonafide compact symmetric object.

Spectral Properties and Comparison with Other Gamma-Ray Emitting CSOs

By analyzing the gamma-ray spectral properties relative to the three other identified gamma-ray-emitting CSOs, astronomers concluded that DA 362 stands out as the brightest and exhibits a steeper spectrum.

Optical Spectrum and Dust Obscuration

Nevertheless, it was found that DA 362 is exceptionally faint in the optical spectrum, implying potential dust obscuration.

Future Observations and Researcher Directions

The paper's authors suggest that more in-depth observations using advanced facilities are necessary to investigate the broadband physical properties of this CSO and gain further insight into the source of its gamma-ray emission.


"Explore the fascinating study of DA 362, a rare gamma-ray-emitting compact symmetric object, and discover how Indian astronomers are unraveling its cosmic secrets. Want to dive deeper into scientific breakthroughs and their impact on our understanding of the universe? Visit these resources below for more insights into health, science, and sustainability."

  1. Space and Science Updates: Discover more groundbreaking research and multiwavelength studies at FSNews365.
  2. Broader Im plications on Human Health: Learn how cosmic discoveries could influence technologies that benefit humanity at Human Health Issues.
  3. Earth and Sustainability Concerns: Explore how space exploration ties into environmental sustainability at Earth Day Harsh Reality.

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Friday, December 27, 2024

fractal universe cosmic structure mandelbrot

Is the Universe a Fractal? Unraveling the Patterns of Nature

The Cosmic Debate: Is the Universe a Fractal?

Fractal geometry in the intricate design of a snowflake.

For decades, cosmologists have debated whether the universe's large-scale structure exhibits fractal characteristicsappearing identical across scales. The answer is nuanced: not entirely, but in certain respects, yes. It's a complex matter.

The Vast Universe and Its Hierarchical Structure

Our universe is incredibly vast, comprising approximately 2 trillion galaxies. These galaxies are not distributed randomly but are organized into hierarchical structures. Small groups typically consist of up to a dozen galaxies. Larger clusters contain thousands, while immense superclusters extend for millions of light-years, forming intricate cosmic patterns.

Is this where the story comes to an end?

Benoit Mandelbrot and the Introduction of Fractals

During the mid-20th century, Benoit Mandelbrot introduced fractals to a wider audience. While he did not invent the conceptself-similar patterns had been a focus on mathematicians for centuriesMandelbrot coined the term and catalyzed its modern study. A fractal is defined by a single mathematical formula that describes its structure at every scale, preserving its shape regardless of how much it is magnified or reduced.

The Concept of Fractals in Nature

Fractals are ubiquitous in nature, evident in the branching patterns of trees and the intricate edges of snowflakes. Mandelbrot himself speculated whether the universe might exhibit fractal properties, with similar structures recurring at progressively larger scales as we zoom out.

The Hierarchical Universe: A Fractal-like Pattern?

In some sense, the universe does exhibit a hierarchy of structures across increasingly larger scales. However, this hierarchy has limit. Beyond approximately 300 million light-years, the cosmos transitions to homogeneity, with no larger structures present and appearing uniform at that scale.

Fractal-Like Characteristics in the Cosmic Web

While the universe as a whole is not a fractal, certain aspects of the cosmic web exhibit intriguing fractal-like characteristics. For instance, dark matter 'halos,' which host galaxies and clusters, create nested structures with sub-halos and sub-sub-halos embedded within.

The Voids and Subtle Fractal Patterns

Contrary to popular belief, the voids in our universe are not completely empty. They host faint dwarf galaxies, which align in a delicate, ghostly version of the cosmic web. Simulations reveal that even the sub-voids within these regions contain their own subtle cosmic web structure.

Conclusion: The Persistence of Fractal-Like Patterns

Although the universe isn't a fractal and Mandelbrot's hypothesis doesn't hold true, fractal-like patterns are still pervasive in many places we observe.


"Are you fascinated by the intricate structure of the universe and the mysteries hidden within its vastness? Dive deeper into the world of cosmic webs, dark matter, and fractal-like patterns that shape our cosmos. For more insights into how these scientific phenomena intersect with human health and environmental challenges, check out the following articles:

Stay informed and continue exploring the wonders of the universe!"

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Saturday, December 14, 2024

alma dusty planet formation

ALMA Captures Stunning Images of Dusty Planet Formation Site

Introduction to ALMA's Groundbreaking Observations

ALMA’s high-resolution image showing the dust accumulation in the PDS 70 protoplanetary disk, providing insights into planetary formation.

The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) has effectively captured a planet formation site, identifying a dense accumulation of dust grainsessential building blocks for planetsbeyond the orbits of nascent planets.

Research Team and Methodology

The international research team, led by Kiyoaki Doi, a former Ph.D. student at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) and SOKENDAI, currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, conducted high-resolution ALMA observations of the protoplanetary disk surrounding the young star PDS 70 at a wavelength of 3 mm.

Discovering Dust Accumulation Beyond Planetary Orbits

The object contains two known planets, and the latest ALMA observations have uncovered a concentrated accumulation of dust grains beyond their orbits. This discovery implies that the already-formed planets gather material essential for planet formation, possibly aiding in the creation of additional planets. This research enhances our understanding of the formation processes of planetary systems, such as our own solar system, that contain multiple planets.

Significance of the Research

Advancing Our Understanding of Planetary System Formation

Astrophysical Journal Letter has accepted the article, 'Asymmetric Dust Accumulation of the PDS 70 Disk Revealed by ALMA Band 3 Observations,' for publication, and it is available on the arXiv preprint server.

The Role of Dust Grains in Planet Formation

To date, astronomers have identified over 5,000 planets within and beyond our solar system, some of which form multi-planetary systems. These planets are thought to originate from micron-sized dust grains within the protoplanetary disks surrounding young stars. However, the mechanisms driving local dust grain accumulation and their role in forming planetary systems remain poorly understood.

PDS 70: Unique Celestial Body

Planet Formation Confirmed in PDS 70

PDS 70 is the sole known celestial body hosting fully-formed planets, as confirmed by optical and infrared observations, within its protoplanetary disk. Investigating the dust grain distribution in this system will shed light on the interaction between the formed planets and their surrounding disk, as well as their potential role in driving further planet formation.

Earlier ALMA Observations and Limitations

Earlier ALMA observations at a wavelength of 0.87 mm detected ring-like emissions from dust grains located beyond the planetary orbits. However, these emissions may be optically thick, with foreground dust obscuring background grains, potentially leading to an inaccurate representation of the true dust grain distribution.

New ALMA Observations and Findings

High-Resolution 3 mm Observations

Under the leadership of Kiyoaki Doi, the researchers utilized ALMA to conduct high-resolution observations of the protoplanetary disk surrounding PDS 70 at a wavelength of 3 mm. Observations at this wavelength, being optically thinner, offer a more accurate representation of the dust grain distribution.

Distinct Dust Distribution Revealed

The 3 mm observations revealed a distribution distinct from the earlier 0.87 mm data, showing that dust emissions are concentrated in a specific direction within the dust ring beyond the planets. This indicates that planet-forming dust grains accumulate within a localized region, forming a clump.

The Role of Existing Planets in Dust Accumulation

The dust clump observed outside the planets suggests that interactions between the existing planets and the surrounding disk focus dust grains at the outer edge of their orbits. These grains may eventually coalesce into a new planet.

Insights into Planetary System Formation

Planet Formation Process

Planetary system formation, including that of the solar system, can be understood as a sequential  process in which planets form the inside out through repeated interactions. This study provides observational evidence of how existing planets influence their environment and initiate the formation of subsequent planets, advancing our understanding of planetary system development.

Multi-Wavelength Observations for Deeper Insights

According to Kiyoaki Doi, who spearheaded the research, "A celestial body consists of diverse components, each radiating energy at specific wavelengths. Observing it across various wavelengths offers unparalleled insights into its nature."

In PDS 70, planets were identified using optical and infrared wavelengths, while millimeter wavelengths revealed the structure of the protoplanetary disk. This study highlights the disk's varying morphologies across ALMA's observational wavelength range.


The importance of conducting observations across a range of wavelengths, including multi-wavelength studies with ALMA, is evident. To fully comprehend a system, it is essential to observe its various components using a variety of telescope and observational configurations.


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Saturday, December 7, 2024

decade neutrino research cosmic mysteries

Unlocking the Universe: Physicists Plan a Decade of Neutrino Research to Solve Cosmic Mysteries

An underground neutrino detector used in DUNE experiment for cosmic research.

Introduction to Neutrino Research

Physicists are on the brink of uncovering answers to fundamental cosmic mysteries by delving deeper into the properties of subatomic particles.

Professor Alexandre Sousa of the University of Cincinnati has published a paper forecasting global neutrino research developments for the next decade.

The Importance of Neutrinos in Physics

What Are Neutrinos?

Neutrinos, the universe's most plentiful massive particles, have become a key focus for scientists seeking deeper insights into their properties.

Origins and Behavior of Neutrinos

Neutrinos are produced during nuclear fusion in the sun, radioactive decay in reactors or Earth's crust, and particle accelerator experiments. They oscillate among three distinct flavors as they travel.

The Quest for a Fourth Neutrino: The Sterile Neutrino

The Hypothesis of the Sterile Neutrino

However, unexpected experimental findings led physicists to hypothesize the existence of a fourth neutrino type, termed the sterile neutrino, which is unaffected by three of the four fundamental forces.

  • "In theory, it interacts only with gravity, remaining unaffected by the weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force, or electromagnetic force," Sousa explained.

The Collaborative Effort: Snowmass 2021/2022

An Overview of the White Paper

Sousa and his collaborators address perplexing experimental anomalies in neutrino research in a white paper recently published in Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics. This work stems from the Particle Physics Community Planning Exercise, known as "Snowmass 2021/2022."

The Role of High-Energy Physics Experts

Every decade, experts in high-energy physics convene to shape the direction of particle physics in the U.S. and with global collaborators.

The Team Behind the Research

The paper also included contributions from UC Professor Jure Zupan, Associate Professor Adam Aurisano, visiting scholar Tarak Thakore, postdoctoral fellow Michael Wallbank, and physics students Herilala Razafinime and Miriama Rajaoalisoa.

Progress and Challenges in Neutrino Physics

Key Areas of Focus

According to Zupan, progress in the field of neutrino physics is expected to occur on various fronts.

In addition to the search for sterile neutrinos, Zupan mentioned that physicists are investigating various experimental anomaliesdiscrepancies between data and theoretical predictionsthat will soon be tested with upcoming experiments.

The Nobel Prize and Its Implications

Gaining deeper insights into neutrinos could revolutionize our long-held views on physics. Neutrino research has already earned the highest scientific accolade, the Nobel Prize, with the discovery of neutrino oscillations awarded in 2015. Nations, including the United States, are committing billions of dollars to these initiatives due to their profound scientific significance.

Why Neutrinos Matter: Addressing Cosmic Questions

The Matter-Antimatter Dilemma

A key question in physics is why the universe contains more matter than antimatter, despite the Big Bang theoretically producing both in equal amounts. According to Sousa, neutrino research may hold the answer.

  • "While it may not impact your daily life, our goal is to understand the reason for our existence," Sousa said. "Neutrinos ap pear to be central to addressing these profound questions."

Major Neutrino Research Initiatives

The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE)

Sousa is involved in one of the most significant neutrino research initiatives, the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), managed by the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. The project involves excavating the former Homestake gold mine to a depth of 5,000 feet to house neutrino detectors. Sousa noted that the elevator ride alone takes approximately 10 minutes to reach the detector chambers.

Researchers place detectors deep underground to protect them from cosmic rays and background radiation, which facilitates the isolation of particles created in experiments.

Project Overview

The experiment, scheduled to launch in 2029, will initially use two detector modules to measure atmospheric neutrinos. By 2031, Fermilab researchers will direct a high-energy neutrino beam 800 miles through Earth to the detector in South Dakota, as well as one in Illinois. the initiative involves over 1,400 international engineers, physicists, and scientists.

Technical and Scientific Goals

Sousa remarked that with these two detector modules and the most powerful neutrino beam to date, significant advancements are possible. The launch of DUNE is anticipated to be highly exciting and will be the most sophisticated neutrino experiment ever conducted.

The paper was a substantial effort, involving over 170 contributors from 118 universities and institutes, supported by 14 editors, including Sousa.

  • "The project was a prime example of teamwork involving scientists from varied backgrounds. Although not always straightforward, seeing is truly gratifying," he commented.

NOvA Experiment

At the same time, Sousa and UC's Aurisano are participating in another Fermilab neutrino experiment known as NOvA, which explores the mechanisms behind neutrino flavor changes. In June, their research team shared their accurate neutrino mass measurements to date.

Hyper-Kamiokande (Hyper-K)

Hyper-Kamiokande, or Hyper-K, is another significant neutrino observatory and experiment currently being built in Japan, with operations potentially starting by 2027. It, too, seeks evidence of sterile neutrinos and explores other research questions.

Future Outlook and Collaborative Efforts

A Decade of Research and Global Participation

According to Sousa, "The combination of these findings, particularly when considered alongside DUNE, will yield highly significant results. Together, these experiments will greatly enhance our understanding. We expect to have some answers by the 2030s."

The Potential of Neutrino Physics

Zupan from UC stated that these multibillion-dollar initiatives have the potential to provide answers to fundamental questions regarding matter, antimatter, and the universe's origins.

Zupan explained that, so far, the only parameter in particle physics that has been found to have a nonzero value is connected to quark properties. The possibility of a comparable property for neutrinos is still an open and fascinating question.

The Road Ahead

Sousa mentioned that researchers globally are engaged in numerous neutrino experiments that could yield answers or spark new questions.


"Stay informed on groundbreaking neutrino discoveries by subscribing to our updates or exploring related articles on our site."

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Saturday, November 2, 2024


Black Hole Study Raises Questions About Kerr Model Validity


Scientists remain captivated by black holesobjects defined purely by gravity and simplicity, yet cloaked in mysteries that test our grasp of nature's principles. Observations have primarily centered on their exterior features and nearby regions, while their internal structure remains largely uncharted.

Recent Research Findings

Overview of the Study

A recent study, published in Physical Review Letters, explores a shared feature in the core regions of diverse spacetime models of black holes.

The study is led by a collaboration among:

  • University of Southern Denmark
  • Charles University in Prague
  • SISSA in Trieste
  • Victoria University of Wellington

Key Insights from Researchers

Postdoctoral researcher Raúl Carballo-Rubio from CP3-Origins at the Universityof Southern Denmark, the study's corresponding author, highlights that "the internal dynamics of black holes, largely unexplored, could profoundly reshape our external understanding of these cosmic entities."

The Kerr Model Explained

Understanding the Kerr Solution

The Kerr solution to General Relativity's equations offers the most precise model of rotating black holes in gravitational astrophysics.

Key Characteristics:

  • Spacetime Vortex: Describes a black hole as a vortex in spacetime.
  • Two Horizons:
    • Outer Horizon: Where escape is impossible.
    • Inner Horizon: Surrounding a ring singularity-an area where conventional spacetime break down.

Observational Alignment

This model aligns closely with observations, with any deviations from Einstein's theory outside the black hole constrained by new physics parameters, which are expected to be minimal.

Critical Insights on Black Hole Interiors

Instability in Dynamic Black Holes

The recent study by an international research team has revealed a critical insight regarding the interiors of black holes:

While it was previously known that a static inner horizon experiences an infinite energy buildup, this study shows that even more realistic, dynamic black holes face pronounced instability over comparatively short timescales.

Mechanism of Instability

This instability arises from energy that accumulates exponentially, ultimately reaching a finite yet immensely high level, with the potential to substantially reshape the black hole's overall geometry.

Implications of Findings

The final result of this dynamic process remains uncertain; however, the study suggests that:

  • A black hole cannot maintain stability in Kerr geometry over extended timescales.
  • The rate and extent of deviations from Kerr spacetime, though, still require further investigation.

Challenges to Existing Assumptions

Expert Opinions

Stefano Liberati, professor at SISSA and a co-author of the study, notes:

  • "Our findings imply that the Kerr solution may not accurately characterize observed black holes, at least over the timescales typical of their lifespans, challenging prior assumptions."


Theoretical Advancements

Grasping the implications of this instability is crucial for advancing theoretical models of black hole interiors and understanding their broader structural impact.

Future Perspectives

It may serve as a vital connection between theoretical frameworks and observational evidence for physics beyond General Relativity.

These findings ultimately introduce fresh perspectives for exploring black holes, allowing us to delve deeper into their internal dynamics and behaviour.


Stay Updated on Black Hole Research!

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Wednesday, October 23, 2024


Record Gamma Ray Emissions from the Milky Way's Heart: New Discoveries at HAWC Observatory

HAWC Observatory detecting gamma rays from the Milky Way’s center

Introduction to the HAWC Observatory

At Mexico's High-Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) observatory, perched 13,000 feet on Sierra Negra Volcano, researchers are probing a cosmic enigma in the Milky Way. An international team, co-led by Los Alamos National Laboratory, has detected ultrahigh-energy gamma rays exceeding 100 teraelectron volts, tracing their source to the galaxy's center for the first time.

Breakthrough Discoveries

"This breakthrough provides us with an unprecedented look at the center of the Milky Way, revealing energies an order of magnitude higher than anything previously measured," remarked Pat Harding, a physicist at Los Alamos and the Department of Energy's lead investigator on the project.

"This study is the first to confirm a PeVatron source of ultrahigh-energy gamma rays at the Milky Way's Galactic Center Ridge, revealing that the galactic core hosts some of the most intense physical phenomena in the cosmos."

The HAWC observatory has been collecting data for over seven years, during which researchers have detected nearly 100 gamma-ray events with energies exceeding 100 teraelectron volts.

Understanding the PeVatron Phenomenon

In an analysis led by Sohyoun Yu Cárcaron and published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, this data enable the direct study of cosmic ray interactions with the PeVatron, allowing for comparisons with other observations to pinpoint the emission processes and location—precisely at the center of the Milky Way.

The Universe's Most Extreme and Violent Phenomena

The PeVtron itself remains a poorly understood phenomenon, yet its very presenceregardless of its form—hints at the violent dynamics within the galactic center, a region of the Milky Way that includes a supermassive black hole encircled by neutron stars and white dwarfs, which strip material from neighboring stars.

The region is enveloped by dense gas clouds, heated to millions of degrees, which obstruct most direct optical observations.

Observing gamma rays is essential to revealing the cosmic processes occurring in this extreme environment. Uiltrahigh-energy gamma rays are produced by a PeVatron, which accelerates particles to PeV energy levels—a million billion electron volts, vastly exceeding the energy of light from a standard light bulb.

Protons from cosmic rays produced by the PeVatron move at speeds exceeding 99% of the speed of light, interacting with dense surrounding gas and leading to the formation of ultrahigh-energy gamma rays.

The Nature of PeVatrons

The precise nature of PeVatrons continues to elude understanding. The energy levels involved indicate some of the most extreme processes imaginable in the unverse, such as a star's demise in a supernova, the shockwaves and radiation associated with star formation, and the consumption of one black hole by another.

"Many of these processes are so rare that their occurrence in our galaxy seems unlikely, or they unfold on scales that do not align with the size of our galaxy," Harding noted. "For example, a black hole consuming another black hole would typically be an event anticipated to happen outside of our galaxy.

The Role of Cherenkov Light in Detecting Particles

HAWC represents a pioneering experiment specifically designed to capture the limited number of ultrahigh-energy gamma rays capable of traversing interstellar space and arriving at Earth. Located on the slopes of the Sierra Negra volcano, the facility comprises 300 grain silos filled with water, each having photomultiplier detectors installed at the base.

Upon entering Earth's atmosphere, ultrahigh-energy particles fragment into extensive air showers comprised of lower-energy particles. As these charged particles travel through the tanks faster than the speed of light in water, they generate Cherenkov light, or Cherenkov radiation, resulting in a blue glow reminiscent of a sonic boom.

Analyzing Particle Distribution

The researchers subsequently examined the temporal distribution of particles detected across the tanks to gain insights into the energy regimes involved, ultimately concluding that the particles originated as ultrahigh-energy gamma rays.

Locating the Designated Area of the PeVatron

The HAWC observatory experiment is a continuation of the pioneering Milagro experiment, which featured a gamma-ray observatory equipped with a 5-million-gallon water pond and 700 light detectors located in the Jemez Mountains near Los Alamos. Milagro collected data until 2008, after which researchers relocated south to the HAWC observatory to capture particles in closer proximity to the galactic center.

The research team intends to build upon its HAWC observatory findings by narrowing down the precise location of the PeVatron source through a new experiment at the Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory, currently under construction in Chile's Atacama Desert. This expanded observational scope could bring science closer to solving the mystery at the core of the Milky Way.


The findings from the HAWC observatory mark a significant step in understanding the extreme cosmic phenomena occurring at the heart of our galaxy. As research continues, the implications of these discoveries could deepen our understanding of the Milky Way and its energetic core.


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